Furry Fox Girl is a versatile low-poly character model suitable for many types of games and VR platforms, but requires customization for specific projects. Face with 52 BlendshapesAny Humanoid Animations from the store can be applied to this character.Face with 52 Blendshapes5 materials19 textures 4096x4096Vertices 35,259Triangles 57,870Added bones on the face, hair, bag and tailHDRP / URP - NoNumber of textures 19Texture dimensions 4096x4096Polygon count of Fox girl 57, 870Number of meshes/prefabs 2/2Rigging: YesAnimation count 33UV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps Unity standart materials 5, normal, metallic, albeda, AO, (PBR Textures Metal/Roughness)