This character includes 6 animations:
* Idle - 5 frames
* Walk - 9 frames
* Attack - 14 frames
* Hurt - 7 frames
* Death - 15 frames
* Spawn - 9 frames
A total of 59 unique frames of animation.
Height of first idle frame is 32 pixels. (measured from top of head to bottom of feet)
Includes both white flash and red flash frames, so you can use whatever you prefer.
Does NOT include any separate particle effects (blood, swoosh, etc.), so you can use your own.
Comes ready to use as a prefab, complete with animator controller and animation data.
Just tweak for your specific project and add scripts as needed.
Be sure to check out my other characters! Most of my characters are designed to be visually consistent with each other, so feel free to pick and choose the ones you like to fit your project.
Created by Lazerpants