This package offers a collection of effects designed for different environments, all developed with Unity's Particle System, ensuring they are compatible across all platforms.This Package Contains:CampfireFireAdditional 3D AssetsRainLight RainHeavy RainSnowLight SnowSnow StormLeavesLeaves FallingLeaves BlowingLightningLightning StrikeLightning Multiple StrikesSmall ExplosionSmall ExplosionBig ExplosionSand StormsSand Storm SlowSand Storm FastFog/MistTextures sizes: Fog/ Mist & Rain Ripples Texture: 2048x2048Fire Texture Sheet (4x4) & Leaves Texture: 1024x1024Number of VFX:14 Effects~ All effects are easily resizable and adjusted through either the Particle System itself, or by Transform.