Water Sort Puzzle Game serves as a convenient solution for developers looking to create engaging puzzle games with fluid mechanics and interactive gameplay mechanics.1000 Game LevelDifferent Color PalettesVarieties of BottlesVarieties of ThemesIn -App PurchaseGoogle AdMob Ads (Interstitial Ads, Rewarded Ads)This is .apk file of this project.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P5klnDAGnsps7JP-L_ibMjwCRvKYnXOy/view?usp=drive_linkPlease follow documation Readme.pdf file which is inside the WaterSortPuzzleColorGame folder.We are using DOTween from unity asset store for animation. There are 1000 levels created in Resources -> JsonFiles -> AllLevels.json file. if you want to add more levels can easily update this json file.Supported In Anroid