Composed procedural music. Interactive Music in your game in moments.
Enables realtime in-game music personalization. Faster. Cheaper. More efficient. More Immersive.🔮 Immediate results for your game. Music integrated into your project from the start.Get Started HereReactional Music allows composed interactive music in a game project in just moments. There is no change to your workflow. Just drop interactive music into your game from the start of the project.Interactive music, procedurally created note by note based on in-game events also means music can be swapped in real time after release allowing gamer music personalisation. Gameplay will react in real time, with music and game in sync and key.And by using the Reactional Platform with the SDK you can use your own composed music as well have access to Reactional's commercial and production music tracks and scores. All have rights cleared globally and ready to go today.Register for a 30-Day trial of the Reactional Platform. Reactional Music Plug In is subject to a non-standard EULA (End User Licence Agreement)Procedural composed musicInteractive music follows gameplay and can integrate with existing audio. Music is created in real time from composition based on live data. Make original composition interactive or chose from an interactive music library. Set your macros, take full curated control.Real time music personalisationInteractive music adapts live. This means any music can become the soundtrack in real time, in tune and time with live gameplay. Scaleable to thousands of tracks.New revenue streamFully curated music personalisation. Entire game, levels, sections or seasons. Create a new revenue stream with music from growing library of five million tracks and music scores.🎶 Note by note, music generated by game dataThe Reactional Music engine allows for music to be modulated and procedurally created on a per note basis. Directly controlled by game events, or used to control the game itself. With a dead simple API. Generating music based on game data in this way has not been possible before.Music can be prototyped, tested and changed instantly with no additional coding.Reactional lets you compose your own interactive music or use interactive music from our library of Themes available on the Reactional Music Platform.Reactional uses two musical formats: an interactive musical Theme and a Music Track. The interactive musical Themes are a proprietary format created by Reactional for use in any game. Reactional Tracks are conventional commercial or production music tracks supercharged with detailed metadata. The system relies on either of these for interactive playback in game.📞 Bi directional communicationNot only can the music instantly and granularly adapt to gameplay, but thanks to the procedural nature of Reactional, any event generated by the system can be used as callbacks to affect gameplay directly. Every note created and by which instrument; every chord, scale and section change; every bar and beat and tempo event.In Your GameTransform your game. Animations, vfx, shaders and more driven by the interactive music's beat, bar or tempo. Trigger your stingers (sfx) in time and pitch with the music.Immediate results for your game. Music and audio integrated into your project from the start. Prototype the soundscape of your game in just moments with Reactional's Interactive Themes and Stinger Packs.Use Reactional Stinger Packs to drive all the sfx for your button clicks and menu swaps in your UI.With no hard coding, game audio is created using musical rules. Use the Reactional Plugin to make games that can hot swap any music for game updates, iteration and new season updates or for gamer personalisation.Make games like Guitar Hero, Beat Saber, Geometry Dash, or just any game where you want the world and mechanics enhanced by the music.Gamer music personalisation in your games. Curate, trial and add tracks from Reactional's music library. All rights cleared worldwide. Create a new revenue stream and let gamers choose their own music to match their personality.Millions of commercial music, production music and scores all licensed and cleared for use.Trial and prototype music as you need before release, even at prototype stage.Music like a movie sound track. Get Reactional if you want music to respond to gameplay in real time💿 One stop music licensingWith no hard coding, Reactional allows developers to prototype and trial music from a library of millions of commercial and production music tracks and scores. The Reactional Platform is a one stop shop for licensing millions of tracks, all with rights pre-cleared and all loaded with musical data that can be used to procedurally create levels.👾 Gamer personalisationReactional’s music delivery platform also enables any music to dynamically sync with the game as the soundtrack. In key and in time.Reactional allows any music to be brought into a game and the entire game’s visuals and sound will react live to that music. At any time a track can be switched and replaced and the system, as well as your game, will adapt. Even after release.This allows for easy musical re-skinning of your game, gamer personalisation and turning music from a cost into a revenue stream. Simply by setting up a connection to the Reactional music platform, you can re-sell music assets as in game purchase.🎵 Get Reactional Music AssetsFive MIllion (and growing) curated commercial and production music tracks and scores are available to all developers. All music analysed and tagged with musical data and can be searched, previewed and downloaded on the Reactional Platform.You can also set up music as an in-game purchase in your games, turning music into a revenue stream.Explore our interactive music authoring tool, Reactional Composer, and create your own interactive musical Themes.Supported platformsWin, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android.Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox available upon request.Supports Unity versions from 2020 and up.Package should also work with earlier versions.For Unity documentation please visit this page