An ice cream shop environment that includes multiple brick building kits, props, & more. HDRP, URP, & BIRP tested.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Upgrade to the SP Urban Shops Bundle to recieve a huge discount to get many more shops and special points of interest.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️315 prefabs for building a wonderful little town or city. Includes modular building kits with multiple types of modular brick buildings in a comprehensive urban environment where you can actually go inside the buildings! Hooray!An urban ice cream shop with full exteriors, interiors, signage and props.4 modular building kits including full interiors and exteriors, roofs, walls, windows, counters, tables, signage, kitchen props, ice cream cases, wall pictures, several interior skin variations, floors, ceilings, fences......Build a small city or town with this package and all the modular parts included.Most objects share atlas materials for default batching in Unity and most game engines.Skybox as shown in pictures includedDemo controller and utility scripts for optimization (not required for use as this is an art asset)This package is also included in OWA City Core BundleNumber of textures: 54Texture dimensions" 8192x9192 Atlases (some are smaller)Minimum polygon count: 16Maximum polygon count: 2,048Number of meshes/prefabs: 300+Rigging: NoneAnimation count: 0UV mapping: Yes, hand crafted with manual atlasesLOD information (count, number of levels): noneTypes of texture maps:albedo, metallic, normal, detail normal, occlusion, heightmap