Quick Path Draw helps you create paths from the current location to a destination. It guides players to missions, points of interest or waypoints using navmesh AI for optimal and obstacle-free.Quick Path Draw is a tool that helps players find their way in your game. It lets you create paths from the player's current location to a chosen destination, like a mission goal, a point of interest, or just a waypoint.Using navmesh AI, Path Draw figures out the best routes, making sure to avoid obstacles and adjust to changes in the game world. This makes navigation smooth and easy, so players can focus on enjoying the game.With Path Draw, you can make your game more fun and engaging. Players can easily follow the paths you create, making it simple to reach objectives and explore the game world. It's a great way to improve your game's navigation and overall player experience."Easy to implement and modifyDiffernt Path graphics SwithchingWorks with any type of Player Character or Car ControllerAny Questions:sh.anas.3000@gmail.com