ReadOnly Inspector Attribute Kit makes Unity Inspector fields read-only. Supports various types including Vector3, Color, AnimationCurve, GameObject and Components.Supported Unity VersionsOldest known working version: Unity 2019.4.40f1 LTSThe extension was tested on every LTS release after 2019The extension was tested with Unity 6Enhance your Unity development workflow with the ReadOnly Inspector Attribute Kit, a tool designed to make fields in the Unity Inspector read-only. This asset ensures that certain values cannot be altered during runtime, perfect for debugging purposes and to prevent accidental modifications.📑Docs ✉️Contact 🌐Website 💖Support me 🎮My Game Garbage Crew!Key Features:Read-Only Fields: Apply the [ReadOnly] attribute to any field in your MonoBehaviour or ScriptableObject scripts to lock them in the Inspector.Extensive Type Support: The kit supports a broad range of data types, including: Integer, Float, Boolean, String, Color, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Vector2Int, Vector3Int, Rect, RectInt, Quaternion, Bounds, BoundsInt, AnimationCurve, Gradient (Unity 6), LayerMask, Enum, GameObject, Prefabs, Components and Object ReferencesEnhanced Display: Custom styling is applied to special data types like Color, AnimationCurve, and GameObject to improve their visibility and representation in the Inspector.Clickable References: For GameObject and Component types, clicking the field will show their reference in the scene or project view.Installation & Usage:Import the ReadOnly Inspector Attribute Kit from the Unity Asset Store.Import the extension to your script using xeetsh.ReadOnlyInspectorAttributeKit;Add the [ReadOnly] attribute to fields in your scripts. To display private fields, use [SerializeField] alongside [ReadOnly].Limitations:Arrays cannot be fully locked; while values are read-only, array size and order can be adjusted in newer Unity versions.If you wan't to support me, feel free to buy me a Club Mate 🥤and check out my game Garbage Crew!For support, contact us at support@xeet.sh. Published under Unity Asset Store Terms of Service and EULA.League Spartan font (Used for AssetStore Graphics) licensed under SLI Open Fonts LicenseUnity Version Compatibility: Unity 2019.4 and laterSupported Data Types: Integer, Float, Boolean, String, Color, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Vector2Int, Vector3Int, Rect, RectInt, Quaternion, Bounds, BoundsInt, AnimationCurve, Gradient (Unity 6), LayerMask, Enum, GameObject, Prefabs, Components, Object ReferencesInstallation: Import package and add using xeetsh.ReadOnlyInspectorAttributeKit on top of your script. Use [ReadOnly] to make fields read-onlyKnown Limitations: Arrays cannot be fully read-only; size and order may still be adjustable in the Inspector.