This asset provides different implementations to walk inside a moving rigidbody, e.g. a spaceship.
In other words, these scripts provide artificial gravity and inertia dampeners to your vehicle.This asset is intended to provide you working implementations of various concepts, how to solve the problem on how to walk inside a moving and rotating rigidbody.Right now the following player controllers are supported:a very basic included player controller based on non-kinematic RigidbodyGame Kit Controller (not included, get it from the Asset Store)More different concepts to solve this problem type will be added in future, as well as integration with more player controllers.The c# code is included as clear text including inline comments to explain also the tricky parts.Please reach out to me on my discord for support or any question about this asset: https://discord.gg/frt93TEsR7Right now there are two working examples included in the demo scenes:The GhostShipThe ghost ship solution basically duplicates the spaceship into an "Inside" ship and an "outside" ship.PRO:No issues with physics!CON:Any collider of the player and around the player must be synchronized - which can be a lot!The JointShipThe joint ship solution glues the player rigidbody to the spaceship rigidbody using a Joint. A script translates all changes done to the player rigidbody into the local space of the spaceship by emulating rigidbody behaviour.PRO:No synchronization needed, just one instance of the vehicle!CON:Emulated rigidbody may behave differently than a regular rigidbody, e.g. when colliding.