CombatAI is a flexible, powerful AI system designed to allow rapid development of different AI character types.New in 1.1.0!CombatAI now uses a dynamic cover system, eliminating the need to set up cover positions ahead of time. Agents will look for colliders on user-defined layers and try to hide behind them, automatically aiming over objects or around corners.CombatAI is built on the GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) architecture, made famous by the F.E.A.R. series.By breaking AI behaviour down into plans that execute sequences of actions to fulfil specified goals, it allows for the creation of complex, intelligent AI archtypes that react to the world around them without needing to anticipate every possible state your characters could be in, or rewriting the same code multiple times for different archtypes.With a library of actions already included and more to come soon, plus a simple programming API to create new actions and goals, CombatAI makes adding intelligent AI to your game easy to get started with while still allowing for extensive customization and creativity.CombatAI uses SFX under the Unity Companion License and code under the MIT License; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.An AI system based on the GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) architecture.Includes several demo scenes to showcase some of what the system is capable of.Comes with a library of pre-made actions.Includes weapon, health and dynamic cover systems integrated with the AI system to get your game up and running in as little as a few minutes.The API includes XML comments to make development in supported IDEs easier.More content coming soon, such as new actions, new animations, more demo scenes, etc.!