Play, Pause, Pose!
Play animations in the scene with just 1 click, without entering Play Mode! The most feature-rich editor animation viewer on the store, made to streamline your animation workflow.Key Features:Seamless Animation Playback1-Click Animation Preview: View your animations directly in the scene with just one click of the custom editor.Blend Tree & Parameter Support:Easily Preview your Blend Trees in detail, with access to your Animator Parameters directly in the custom Editor.Inspector Integration: Control animations by adding a single attribute directly in the Inspector.Animation NavigationTransition and Mask Support: View and tweak animation transitions and avatar masks directly within the editor.Conditional Transitions: Conditional transitions are supported, letting you test transitions without Play Mode.Character PosingPose Characters in Scene: Manipulate character poses using animations directly within the scene view.User-Friendly InterfaceTimeline Navigation: Scrub through animations with an intuitive timeline interface.Usability-Focused UI: Animations are divided into layers, each labeled for a clean and organized interface.Quality of Life Features: Utilize search filtering, keyboard shortcuts, and more for a streamlined workflow.Join the TelePresent Games Discord ServerAsset does not currently support:Animation Event Calls: Animation events may be called, but will often not produce desired effects outside of play mode.Play/Pause Animations Directly in the EditorThrough the custom editor window.In the Inspector through a single attribute.View your Blend Trees in detailAffect your Animator parameters directly in the Editor Window.Navigate Animations with TimelinesView Animations, Transitions, and Avatar MasksConditional Transitions SupportedPose characters with animations directly in the scene.Usability-Focused UI:Quality of life features like search filtering, keyboard shortcuts, and more.Supported on Any OS.Documentation can be found here.Asset does not currently support:Animation Event Calls: Animation events may be called, but will often not produce desired effects outside of play mode.