The W Screenshot Tool is a free, simple Unity utility for capturing in-game screenshotsCONNECT WITH US:wiskered.com | Phil Twitter | Discord | YouTube | Instagram | Reddit | Twitter | Itch.ioThe W Screenshot Tool is a versatile and user-friendly Unity editor extension designed to simplify the process of capturing in-game screenshots. Created by Wiskered, this tool is available free of charge and offers an intuitive interface that makes it easy for developers to quickly capture and save screenshots with customizable settings.Key Features:Customizable Screenshot Name: Set a default name for your screenshots, which can be easily changed through a dedicated public field.Flexible Save Path: Choose where to save your screenshots with a simple browse button, ensuring you can organize your files as needed.Automatic File Naming: If a screenshot with the specified name already exists, the tool will automatically append a number to the filename to ensure uniqueness.Console Notifications: Optionally display a success message in the console upon saving a screenshot, providing immediate feedback.Auto Refresh: Automatically refresh the AssetDatabase after capturing a screenshot, ensuring that new files are instantly available in the Unity editor.The W Screenshot Tool is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. Its straightforward interface allows you to quickly configure your screenshot preferences and capture images with minimal effort. The tool integrates seamlessly into the Unity editor, appearing under the "Tools" menu, making it easily accessible whenever you need it.The W Screenshot Tool has been used to capture screenshots in various other Unity tools, including TREEGEN, TerraForge 2, and ROCKGEN.-----------------------------------------------------------------------🔸 OTHER ASSETS 🔸TerraForge 2 - Procedural Terrain GeneratorTerraForge (Beta) - procedural terrain generatorTREEGEN 2023 - procedural tree generatorROCKGEN 2024 - procedural rock generatorVOLUMYST - Audio Interference Effects System (BETA)70 presets for TREEGEN 2023The tool consists of a single script!