More frames, more better! Upscaler uses DLSS, FSR, XeSS, and SGSR to boost your performance and give you higher quality frames. Upscaler now has BETA support for frame generation!www.conifercomputing.comConifer's goal is to help game developers provide high performance, high quality games to their players. Upscaler fulfills these goals by bringing a convienent 5-in-1 upscaling solution to Unity's URP in an easy-to-integrate way.FeaturesDLSS 310.1.0 upscalingFSR 3.1.3 upscalingFSR 3.1.3 frame generation (BETA FEATURE)XeSS 1.3.1 upscalingSGSR v1 and v2 upscalingAntialiasing modes like DLAA, FSR NativeAA, XeSS AA, and SGSR AADynamic resolution scalingSupported ConfigurationsDLSS upscaling (Windows Only)Vulkan, DirectX 12, DirectX 11FSR upscaling (Windows Only)Vulkan, DirectX 12FSR frame generation (Windows Only) (BETA FEATURE)VulkanXeSS upscaling (Windows Only)DirectX 12SGSR upscaling works everywhere where Unity's shader compiler worksDLSSNVIDIA's DLSS stands for Deep Learning Super Sampling. It is a very fast machine learning upscaling algorithm. Upscaler uses the most recent version of DLSS (3.7.20) internally. While NVIDIA markets DLSS 3 as having more than just an upscaling component, Upscaler only uses its upscaling feature at this time. DLSS is available when using any of the three supported graphics APIs.FSRAMD's FSR stands for FidelityFX Super Resolution. It is a handcrafted algorithm designed to quickly upscale frames. Upscaler has adopted FSR 3.1.3, AMD's latest version of FSR. This update bring improved upscaling quality as well as support for an anti-aliasing only mode. FSR 3.1 is available when using Vulkan or DirectX 12.AMD's FSR frame generation algorithm is a handcrafted algorithm capable of inserting quickly generated frames between two rendered frames to help increase motion fluidity at the expense of latency.XeSSIntel's XeSS stands for Xe Super Sampling. It is an AI-powered algorithm that excells on Intel's Battlemage GPUs. It provides high quality frames at a fast pace. We are releasing with support for XeSS version 1.3.1. We are excited to see where XeSS will go in the future. XeSS is available when using DirectX 12.SGSRQualcomm's SGSR stands for Snapdragon Game Super Resolution. It is an algorithm derived from FSR and specially optimized for mobile devices while remaining performant on desktop devices and still maintaining high quality upscaling. Two versions exist: a spatial version and a temporal version. Upscaler provides both.Upscaling Performance ImpactsIn GPU limited scenes framerate will increase based on the selected quality mode (until a CPU bottleneck is hit). In CPU limited scenes Upscaler may decrease framerate. This is due to the fact that issuing upscaling commands to the GPU requires extra CPU time. While this is unavoidable, Upscaler's robust and performant C++ backend minimizes these effects.Frame Generation Performance Impacts (BETA FEATURE)In both CPU and GPU limited scenes framerate will increase by an amount that depends on the ratio of time required to render a frame and time required to generate a frame. If it takes longer to generate the frame than to render the frame framerate will decrease. This is extremely unlikely. Unity will always report the framerate as exactly half of what it actually is when frame generation is enabled.Render Pipeline IntegrationOur integration is as simple as it gets. Put the Upscaler.cs script onto the camera, then add the UpscalerRendererFeature to the camera's renderer and restart Unity. Though Upscaler will not support custom render pipelines out of the box it should be fairly easy to get working. If you encounter any snags, please contact Conifer support below.Documentation and SupportThis asset has been extensively tested internally at Conifer, however the community will inevitably use Upscaler in new and unexpected ways. To help understand how to use Upscaler in these new situations, offline documentation is available in the package. If Upscaler does not work in your project (even if you are using a custom render pipeline), please let us know at briankirk@conifercomputing.com or join our Discord and we will do our best to help you integrate it.; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for license details.Software Support / CompatibilityWindowsDLSSVulkan, DirectX 12, DirectX 11FSRVulkan, DirectX 12XeSSDirectX 12SGSR works everywhere where Unity's shader compiler worksAll upscalers are URP onlySupport / DocumentationQuick start YouTube video.Documentation included in package and available online.Contact us through email or Discord.