Makes the camera follow the player while displacing the camera towards the mouse position. This camera movement is very similar to the one used in Enter the Gungeon.Usage:Add the Script AimCameraComponent to your camera.In the component parameters add your player.Adjust other parameters to your liking.How It works:To move the camera, the viewport mouse position is used, meaning it works relative to the screen size.Suppose we are always drawing a line from the player to the mouse. We will define distance as the point on this line where the camera is placed, measured from 0 to 1, where 0 is the player's position and 1 is the mouse's position.the script defines 3 mouse zones:form player to InnerZone: where the distance will always be 0, so the camera won't move at all.form InnerZone to OuterZone: where distance will be interpolated between 0 and MaxDistance using the specified Curve.from OuterZone to the edge of the screen: where the distance will always be equal to MaxDistance.because the areas are measured relative to the screen size, they will be bigger on the x-axis than on the y-axis.Compatibility: Works with both Orthographic and Perspective Cameras.Ease of Use: Integrating and setting up this asset is incredibly straightforward.Customization: Customize the smoothness, speed and amount of displacement.No Asset Dependencies A standalone solution for your Unity project.Project Integration: The asset doesn't interfere with any other components, providing a hassle-free experience.