【パブリッシャー丸ごとセール第102弾】9月13日 0:00 〜 9月19日(木) 23:59まで
↓↓↓ 今週の無料アセットプレゼント🎁
『Goblin Animated』$10.99 => FREE(9月19日 23:59まで無料)
【September Surprise sale】⏰️ 9月5日 〜 9月18日 23:59まで 水曜まで
9月のサプライズセールが始まりました🎉 ゲーム開発に役立つ200以上のアセットが50%オフ
✅️ 合計60ドル以上のご注文ならクーポン適用で さらに10%オフ
※ 有効期限:2024年9月30日まで、複数回利用可能、セール品以外にも使えます
【Humble Bundle】 その他 ソフトウェアバンドルはこちら
『GAME CREATOR MEGA BUNDLE』 ⏰️ 9月11日(水) 3時まで
『LEARN TO CREATE GAME ART IN BLENDER 2024』 ⏰️ 9月24日(火) 3時まで
MicroAVL is a small but effective shader providing you with extremely performant volumetric lights.Check out the complete Analytical Volumetric Lighting package with multiple volumetric shapes, clustered rendering and optimizations, frame upscaling, and much, much more on the Asset Store!MicroAVL is a shader intended to replicate the behavior of the volumetric lighting based on the analytical approach. Instead of estimating air light integrals with raymarching, they are calculated precisely.Main Features 🌟No Draw Distance Limit: Draw distance is not limited compared to the raymarching solutions due to the analytical light equation solution. Render both close and far lights with the same fidelity at the same time.No Noise Filtering: As raymarching is not being used, lights produce highly accurate values with no filtering required. This deeply improves lighting fidelity with no performance trade.Both Deferred and Forward rendering are supported!Both Perspective and Orthographic camera projections are natively supported!Compatibility 🪄Unity 2021.3 or later.URP is supported; Built-In, HDRP are not supported.Forward, Forward+, Deferred rendering paths are supported.VR is not supportedDX11, Vulkan, OpenGLCore, Nvidia/AMD/Intel, OpenGLES, WebGL are supported.Assets (3D models & textures) shown in the screenshots are not included.
▼ Humble Bundle
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