Construction Tools and Equipments Pack
PolyCliff Studio
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Tools and Equipments Pack for Construction Game74 Assets included its a 3d asset pack74 Assets from polycliff for your next Construction and builder game you can use it in many ways there are other dentist , kitchen set and school tools available in this asset packthis Pack has lots of different tools so you can use it in many ways enjoy your pack with polycliffThe Construction Pack offers a collection of 74 assets related to construction tools and equipment. These assets are designed for use in Unity projects and are compatible with the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). Whether you’re creating a construction site, architectural visualization, or any other project that requires construction-themed assets, this pack provides a variety of tools and equipment to enhance your scenes.Feel free to explore this asset on the Unity Asset Store to learn more about its contents and how it can elevate your workflow! 😊🛠️Stylized guns packLow Poly Dungeon PackCoins Pack Polycliffassets included :SpoonKnifeForkGarbage DisposalDishwasherMeasuring SpoonCuttin BoardWhiskPotDropperPills JarBandagePillsInjectionCapsulesDropsStethoscopeDentist ToolsTooth BrushOinmentTapeThermameterPanMeasuring CupSpatulaMaskOvenSuger CheckerAsthma inhalerFirstaid BagBottle OpnerPencilRubberPenRulerGlueScissorCrayon BoxBookOpen BookTabletChiselL SquareTape MeasurePaint RollerSpirit LevelPaintbrushMalletTrowelConeWrenchHard CapPipe WrenchHammerPlateDrillHacksawHandsawScrewdriverPliersEarmuffsSpadeTools BoxNailRoad DrillerTrolleyPlaneNumber of textures : 1Texture dimensions : 512 * 512polygon count total (All mesh) : 67932 trisnumber of meshes / prefab : 74Rigging : NoAnimation count : NoneUV Mapping : YesLOD : NoneTypes of Material : One Material and URP Standerd