Break game objects into smaller pieces procedurally, thus enhancing the gameplay experience and alleviating the pain of model creation.Mesh Demolisher demolishes game objects into smaller pieces (assuming the game objects' meshes satisfice the list of requirements outlined in the documentation). Mesh Demolisher is great for simulating explosions and fracturing effects.Mesh Demolisher on GitHub: https://github.com/hanzemeng/MeshDemolisherMesh Demolisher’s documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MSbybIVh9NoYhEUMpnu80lO4Kl9NGXNZ9OMxQdOel80/edit?usp=sharingInstallation Requirements:TextMeshPro must be installed to run the example scene.The platform must be Windows or macOS.macOS users may encounter security issues. Read the Setup section in the documentation for help.Able to (asynchronously) break meshes into smaller pieces.Able to construct Delaunay tetrahedralization.Able to construct constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization.Uses robust predicates which solves the problem of floating-point rounding error (dll only).