Benefit from new features, active development, and customer support by automatically converting your Dreamteck splines to a new spline solution.Unity 6 compatible.Move to the Next PhaseWith Dreamteck shifting its focus away from Dreamteck Splines—resulting in no updates in the year since, and no support for new users—you might be considering migrating your project to a new spline solution.Save Time and EffortInstead of manually recreating your splines using a new solution, use Converter for Dreamteck Splines to automatically migrate your existing splines to Curvy Splines—a highly acclaimed and versatile spline solution in active development since 2013.Compatibility with Unity SplinesConvert your splines into Unity splines by combining Converter for Dreamteck Splines with this other free asset.Easy To UseConvert your splines in an instant using either:The dedicated OverlayHotkeysMenu bar itemsThis asset needs Curvy Splines and Dreamteck Splines in your project to work.This asset needs Curvy Splines and Dreamteck Splines in your project to work.Unity 6 compatible.