Oceanis 2024 URP is the new water system for URP from ARTnGame productions. The system is made from ground up for URP for maximum visual quality.All assets officially support the Unity LTS versions cycle they have been uploaded to store with. Currently Unity 6 new URP Render Graph pipeline is supported directly in Oceanis 2024, with the note that is on Beta. Note that the new URP Render Graph pipeline is a totally new and different pipeline than the normal URP, so all effects had to be re-written from scratch for the new platform.Oceanis 2024 URP Pro is the new water framework for URP from ARTnGame productions. The system is made from ground up for URP for maximum visual quality and supports Unity 2022 and Unity 6 URP Render Graph in Beta.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTnGAME OFFER: Upgrade to the Environment Building Bundle from Sky Master ULTIMATE or Oceanis 2024 URP Pro with a big discount, for only $79!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oceanis 2024 URP Pro can be upgraded from Oceanis 2021 URP Pro with a big discount for $6.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT:Oceanis 2024 URP Pro can be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE for a discounted price (more than 50% off) ! Make sure to first buy Sky Master ULTIMATE and in a separate order Oceanis for maximum discount. Sky Master ULTIMATE volumetric clouds and lighting are directly compatible with the Oceanis URP Pro water reflections (Video).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Video TutorialsThis is the PRO version of Oceanis, which means will be getting all possible features and may go up in price later, as more features go in the system. The project is open source and all source code is included.Note this is the first version of Oceanis 2024 URP Pro, as such will be in extra development to perfection based on user feedback and will be in a first Beta version, for any issue and suggestion please message in ARTnGAME Discord channel.The system will be in Beta phase for some time until all features have gone in and has been tested more extensively and Unity 6 URP Render Graph is finalized in Unity 6 LTS.IMPORTANT:The system has not been tested on VR, Mobile, Consoles, WebGL and Mac, so those platforms do not have confirmed compatibility. The asset is uploaded using Unity 2022.3.18f1 and has also been tested in Unity 6000.0.7f1.Some of the images and videos in the page showcase demo scenes that make use of the Sky Master ULTIMATE volumetric clouds combined with Oceanis URP Pro water.For direct chat and help on any issue, please contact me via ARTnGAME Discord Channel or ARTnGAME support [E-mail].New Features in 2024 version:- New dynamic water ripples and caustics module and controller for its adaptation to the Ocean shader.- New water air separation line mode and controller- Support for Unity 2022 LTS and Unity 6 URP Render Graph, all image effects re-written for the new framework.Features:- Ocean system using two types of wave systems for cutting edge wave motion, simulating thousands of waves at each time on GPU.- Advanced water shading with two modules in combination, one ultra realistic with fuzzy sky reflections and atmospheric scattering and one stylistic. The two can be combined with weights.- Caustics rendering below and above water- Floaters and boat systems samples for ready to use gameplay situations- Wave sampling for gameplay use, optimized for massive number of floaters- Advanced unique shore handling system for differentiation of deep ocean and shallow water dynamics with seamless transition- Optimized shore line handling for ultimate performance- Rain drops system integration in the water shader- Advanced foam renderer with true dynamic simulation for dynamic effects on shores lines- Volumetric lighting and fog for underwater, support for all light types (Sun, Point, Spot)- Dynamic realistic bubbles system- Fish flocking module- Underwater depth based fading and distortion- Underwater screen space sun shafts for performance and adaptation to water waves- Advanced depth based details near shorelines- Working with InfiniRIVER asset for adding dynamic 2D liquid simulation in the ocean water- Working with Sky Master ULTIMATE asset for direct water reflections of the volumetric clouds and lighting of the Sky Master weather suit.- Local light support for illumination of water surface by point lights. In this version a single point light is supported and will be extended with an array in next versions.- Open source project, all source code is included.Roadmap:- Streamline the shoreline controls and handling for exposing all options in the configuration manager- Streamline the vortex creation and controls of radius and vorticity power- Finalize the localized water bodies module and add configurator automation to create the bodies- Finalize the localized water bodies underwater rendering, a sample of underwater in local body of water (pool) is included and mainly needs to stop the water mask from rotating with the camera.- Finalize the 3D particles system on wave edge that emulates foam particles leaving the wave due to strong wind, a first versions is included in one of the demo scenes, and need more refinement to perfect the effect.- Add GPU fish flock option to follow and react to the waves heights- Further integrations with Sky Master ULTIMATE for lightning illumination on water- Further integrations with InfiniRIVER for river connection to the sea bodies- Add support for more than one local lights illuminating the water surfaceTechnical details:The system uses the project grid method to project an optimized mesh in front of the camera at all times, for an endless ocean. This method has the limitation that the land cannot be lower than the water surface, as the water is rendered everywhere on the map and all land below the water level will be covered by the water.The system also supports local water bodies by turning off the projected grid in the material, a sample is provided using the water in a pool. The limitation currently with this localized water mode is that the underwater rendering of effects is not yet finalized, a sample is provided in the pool demo where the water mask plane is moving with the camera, thus is correct only when the camera looks straight or at small angles to horizon. This will be finalized in the next version where the mask plane will be regulated independently of the camera so it does not rotate with it.The system is fully compatible with Sky Master ULTIMATE for reflecting the volumetric clouds in the water. Sky Master ULTIMATE URP uses a Forward Renderer with the clouds effect having the "isForReflections" checkbox enabled, in order to enable the reflection mode. This forward renderer ID (its number in the pipeline Forward renderers list) must be inserted to the Oceanis reflection camera ID property (mentioned in the tutorial video as well, when creating the ocean step by step), so the created reflection camera will use that renderer to handle cloud reflections properly.