ScenesDot automatically stores a list of your scenes into an enum so that you can easily get the names of your scenes while scripting. Plus, it seamlessly works with Unity's built-in Scene Management.ScenesDot can be implemented into any type of project. It was designed to make accessing scene names easier while coding.It is easy to forget the names of scenes, make a typo, or forget to add the scene to the build. ScenesDot reads from the list of scenes in the build and will add those scenes to an enum. In your script import the ScenesDot namespace, and then you can simple type "Scenes" followed by a dot (period) to get the list of your scenes in the build. It harnesses the power of enums to give you access to your scene names.Plus if you change the name of a scene that you were loading, this asset will immediately throw an error on the lines of code that were still referencing the old scene name.FeaturesWorks seamlessly with Unity’s default Scene Management systemCreates an enum with a list of all your game’s scenesPrevents and catches spelling mistakes when typing in scene names in scriptYou don’t have to remember the names of your scenes when codingWill display error if you change scene name but script still uses old scene nameSpeeds development