Modular, realistic, optimised, universal Fences. Prepared for games, VR, AR, animations, architectural visualisations and other projects.All components have been created in order to get the best effect for modern computer games. These Fences are best suited to a contemporary or 20th century architecture.The following texture types are included: Albedo (Base Color), Normal Map, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion and Roughness. Each 3D model has two LOD (Levels Of Detail) versions: Mid-poly and Low-poly (manually simplified). So you can choose the best version for your project.Meshes: 114 (Prefabs) Examples (sorted by the number of triangles): SM_Fence_F_Gate_01 (Triangles: 1382, low-poly: 760) SM_Fence_C_Gate_01 (Triangles: 918, low-poly: 389) SM_Fence_A_Gate_03 (Triangles: 756, low-poly: 402) SM_Fence_A_Chain_01 (Triangles: 552, low-poly: 272) SM_Fence_D_Wall_02 (Triangles: 216, low-poly: 110) SM_Fence_B_Panel_01 (Triangles: 140, low-poly: 12) SM_Fence_A_Bracket_01 (Triangles: 88, low-poly: 40) SM_Fence_E_Pole_01 (Triangles: 20, low-poly: 12)Textures: 6050 Textures have a resolution of 8192x8192 pixelsCollision: YesDemo scenes: 1Dear customer. If you give me a positive rating or review, it will make me happy and motivate me to update more often and create more similar packages.