NEAT Bullets is a tool that enables you to create weapons with unique bullet patterns. The trajectory of projectiles is determined by a set of parameters and an artificial neural network generated using the NEAT algorithm.WebGL Demo • DocumentationFour scenes included:• Weapon Evolution Scene: Evolve and save your weapons in this interactive environment.• Weapon Demo Scene: Test 80 different pre-configured weapons and observe their force fields in action.• Shadow Survival Scene: This scene demonstrates how the system can be incorporated into gameplay. Please note that character animations and the tilemap from this scene are not included.• Space Shooter Scene: A simple space shooter game where enemies are equipped with randomly generated weapons.Technical details• The asset was created using the URP template, but it is compatible with any other rendering pipeline. You may need to add any missing materials to the sprite renderers.• A force is applied to each projectile during every fixed update. As a result, the system may not be very performant. You can test the performance in the Weapon Demo scene with weapon #69. The projectiles in this demo have an unlimited lifespan, allowing you to observe how the FPS changes as the number of projectiles increases.• Projectile pooling has not been implemented.Third-Party FilesThis package contains third-party files governed by the license(s) indicated below:• SharpNEAT under MIT license• Redzen under MIT license• log4net under Apache License 2.0• Space Shooter Redux under CC0 license• 5 Action Chiptunes under CC0 license• The Essential Retro Video Game Sound Effects Collection under CC0 license• Weapon Item Icon under CC0 licenseSee third-party-notices.txt file in the package or Third Party Files for details.