Incredible stylized daggers, with different elements and powers, handmade textures, 100% optimized, and perfect for your gamesDaggers models :1x Sun Dagger1x Moon Dagger1x Lava Dagger1x Blood Dagger1x Ice Dagger1x SteamPunk Dagger1x Soul Dagger1x Normal Dagger1x Dragon Dagger1x Angelic DaggerTopology Info:Sun Dagger:LOD0: 6k trisLOD1: 2k trisLOD2: 962 trisMoon Dagger:LOD0: 1.2k trisLOD1: 412 trisLOD2: 245 trisLava Dagger:LOD0: 5k trisLOD1: 2k trisLOD2: 776 trisBlood Dagger:LOD0: 6.8k trisLOD1: 2k trisLOD2: 684 trisIce Dagger:LOD0: 5k trisLOD1: 2k trisLOD2: 1k trisSteamPunk Dagger:LOD0: 6k trisLOD1: 2k trisLOD2: 886 trisSoul Dagger:LOD0: 6k trisLOD1: 2.5k trisLOD2: 954 trisNormal Dagger:LOD0: 4k trisLOD1: 1.8k trisLOD2: 905 trisDragon Dagger:LOD0: 6k trisLOD1: 2.4k trisLOD2: 931 trisAngelic Dagger:LOD0: 8.5k trisLOD1: 3.4k trisLOD2: 850 trisHandPainted Textures :2048x2048(Only Emissives): 8 textures4096x4096: 15 Textures23 Texture in the totalNumber of textures : 23 TexturesTexture dimensions : 2k and 4kPolygon count of Daggers : 235 ~ 8.5kMinimum polygon count : 235 polysMaximum polygon count : 8.5k polysNumber of meshes/prefabs : 10 Prefabs, 10 MeshsRigging: NoAnimation count : 0Animation type list : NoneUV mapping: YesLOD : 2 levelsTypes of materials and texture maps : HandPainted Without Specular