Set of low poly nature and customisable tank models!Cartoonish and gradient texture is useful for fun and fantasy style games.Cliffs, rocks, trees, plants, box cannons and tanks.Easily customisable for your game.The average polygon is 200- 62 Models (3D)1 Box2 Bridges2 Cannons10 Cliffs2 Grounds15 Plants12 Rocks4 Tanks (4 Tank heads + 4 Tank body)6 Trees5 Walls- 59 Prefabs1 Box2 Bridges1 Building1 Cannon10 Cliffs2 Grounds15 Plants12 Rocks4 Tank Bodies6 Trees5 Walls- Texture pack (psd)type in editor is default- 3 Materialswhich use texture packLooking for 3D Weapon Packs?Low Poly Modular SciFi Weapon ModelsLow Poly Modular Medieval WeaponsCliffsRocksTreesPlantsTanksCannonsBoxWalls