A versatile and extensible framework for creating inventories using UI Toolkit.Docs | Github | Youtube | Discord-----📜 Changelog-----✍ v1.3🛠️ Add 3d Scene for "Basic" Demo🛠️ Simplify item system🛠️ Simplify observables🛠️ Improve docs🛠️ Improve debug tools🛠️ Optimized assetsThe purpose of this package is to provide a versatile and extensible solution for creating inventories in Unity. Its design allows developers to quickly set up functional inventories while offering the flexibility to extend and adapt to custom use cases.The framework supports a variety of inventory types, making it suitable for a wide range of games.Built on UI Toolkit, it offers advanced styling and layout capabilities while avoiding the overhead of GameObjects and Prefabs.It also comes bundled with an abstract yet powerful item system that minimizes setup while supporting diverse use cases.This framework is targeted at programmers. It currently lacks designer-friendly features such as custom editors or Scriptable Objects, so some coding is required to implement custom functionality. Scriptable Objects and editor tooling support will probably come in the next big update.✔️ Features• 3d Scene✨ (New)• 2 Demos• Drag and drop• Ctrl+Click to Move• Buy/Sell/Drop/Destroy• Equipment• Hotbar• Crafting• Shop• Chests• Item Rarity• Tooltip