This asset is a simple asset that allows you to easily set up a game of Shogi, a traditional Japanese board game, for your game.It includes the most common Shogi logic, high quality pieces and bases, and a 3D model of a Japanese tatami mat, so you can buy it and start playing Shogi right away.Some minor special rules (repetition draw, drop pawn mate) are not yet implemented, but will be in a future update.Although no AI is implemented in this asset, the code's piece arrangement is implemented in the same way as general shogi AI, so you can immediately introduce your favorite AI.Demo links・WebGL・DocumentFeatures :Set it up, and you can start a two-player Shogi game instantly!The code is fully written in C#, making it highly customizable.The "pieces in hand" (mochigoma) functionality is fully implemented.Naturally, the piece promotion mechanism is fully supported.Prevents illegal placements, such as placing pieces in squares where they cannot move.Automatically promotes pieces when moved into promotion zones where promotion is mandatory.Highlights all valid moves for a selected piece, just like in many chess interfaces.Checkmate detection and time-out loss functionality are included.The "Two Pawns" (二歩, nifu) rule is enforced, ensuring moves follow standard Shogi regulations.Time controls are fully adjustable to suit different playing styles.Do-over function is available. The number of do-over can be changed as you like.A resignation option is included, allowing players to concede the game.The intuitive user interface displays both players' remaining time and the current turn.3D models of the Shogi board, pieces, piece stands, and tatami mats are included, adding a traditional touch.