The Easy Keybinding asset helps you create a key binding system for your game. It will save you a lot of time and frustration.The Easy Keybinding asset is designed to make adding keybinding features to your project easy. This asset will allow you to add a keybinding panel to your game options so that the user can configure the keyboard and mouse keys to be used for different game actions. There is some additional coding required by the developer, but it is all explained in the Easy Keybinding User Guide (located in the Documentation folder) and in the comments in the code to make it easy to implement. While there are many steps to take in order to make this work, it is still much easier than creating all of this from scratch, which can take many days and lots of frustration. Follow the user guide carefully.- Customizable InputController script with examples, instructions and comments on what to do. This script can be customized to work with any project with any number of input keys.- Only easy coding is required (such as modifying existing code, copying and pasting, and deleting unnecessary lines). Nothing to be scared of. Just follow the instructions and comments.- Allows the player to assign both keyboard and mouse keys.- Key bindings are saved in a file in the Application.dataPath directory of your project but the path can be changed if desired.- Reset button/method for restoring factory default key bindings.- Automatically checks for duplicate key bindings.- The Key Binding button prefab and associated script allows the player to click on a button and press any key to assign a new key binding. This prefab should be instantiated for every action you want to bind to a key.- Sample KeyBinding scene included with a complete key binding system for your reference. Open the scene and click play to get an idea of what this system can do. Customize the keys and test them with the indicators.- Follow the Easy Keybinding User Guide carefully. This is extremely important. Do not skip any steps. It is located in the Documentation folder.- Even though there are many steps to follow, it's still going to be much faster and less painful than doing this from scratch.