Attenuates sound passing through walls.This asset will muffle sound played by an AudioSource through walls. High frequencies are attenuated based on a simple path calculation from the AudioSource to the AudioListener.This asset contains a MuffledSoundFilter component that you can simply attach to an AudioSource to enable the effect. You can change the attenuation frequency and distance in the Inspector.You can download and run the sample from the link below.EasyMuffledSound Demo.zipIncluded:- MuffledSoundFilter component script- Sample scenesFeature:- This asset works simply by attaching the components.- When you attach the MuffledSoundFilter component, the Low-pass filter component will be automatically attached.- The calculation cost is low because the position history of the AudioListener is used for the calculation.- If the AudioSource is moving, the sound may be attenuated more than necessary.- This asset doesn't work with WebGL. Because low-pass filters don't work with WebGL.