Decal Splines lets you draw continuous decals like roads, paths, blood trails, cracks, track and road markings onto any 3D surface with any orientation. A seamless decal is formed along a spline.The main shader uses stencil buffer bit# 8. An alternative bit can be used by altering the shader code. A non stenciled shader is provided as well, however this one may have visual artifacts when used with transparency.On Mac/Metal URP builds artifacts can show up due to bugs in this Unity Pipeline.To solve this disable “Generate Mipmaps ” on any texture used and set Normal Blend to High.✔️How to usePlacement works intuitively in the scene view. Just click on any surface to place anchor points and form the spline that drives the decal. Editing is just as easy, just click and drag the handles to manipulate the curve. Rotate the Decal Spline to project in any direction. Auto snapping helps the decal stick to your scene’s surfaces.Using render layers you choose which objects are drawn on and which are excluded.✔️Library of 100+ styles includedDirt roadsHiking trailsAsphaltSidewalksFoot printsTire tracksSkid marksRoad LinesStripesArrowsZebra CrossingsStainsBloodCracksGraffitiCurbsRacing stripesAnd more...✔️FeaturesSeamless decalsSplines.Full source code.Scene view editing.Fade Painting.Auto snap.Projection depth control.Rendering Layers support.Organize styles by theme.PBR Shaders with detail map layers.Customizable color scheme.User friendly UI.Set orientation.2D and 3D styles.✔️ExpandabilityAdd your own styles by simply importing a texture and setting the style's perimeters. Configure your style’s width, curviness, resolution and material to determine its behavior and look.✔️DesignThe low performance impact lets you add heaps of detail in both URP and HDRP games.With this much freedom you gain complete artistic control over the placement of your decals. Real time manipulation helps you iterate over different design options and create stunning environments. Adding details to your levels makes them visually interesting and appealing, Decal Splines lets you add detail quickly and easily.