Effortlessly access your resources directly via AutoRef's generated type-safe code.DocumentationDiscordNot ready to buy? Try AutoRef - Constants in Code for FREEWhy use AutoRef?You prefer code-oriented game developSuper quick setupNo hassle from managing resource referencesError protection with typesafetyMemory controlled lazy loading and release of asset referencesGreat for prototypes, game jams, and small games. Whereas large asset heavy games should use AutoRef - Addressables in CodeSave and load selections to file so it's synced with your teamPlanned ImprovementsSupport more file typesExpose prefab componentsScene loading toolsMore demosSupported TypesFile extension - Unity type.anim - AnimationClip.exr -Texture2D.giparams - LightmapParameters.ico - Texture2D.jpg - Texture2D.lighting - LightingSettings.mask - AvatarMask.mat - Material.mixer - AudioMixer.otf - Font.overrideController - AnimatorOverrideController.physicmaterial - PhysicMaterial.playable - PlayableAsset.png - Texture2D.prefab - GameObject.psd - Texture2D.shader - Shader.ttf - Font.unity - SceneAsset.unity3d - AssetBundle.uxml - VisualTreeAssetFeaturesGenerate code references for resources in selected folders.Convenience methods for loading and unloading resources.LimitationsIt’s coupled to your project’s folder structure. Moving bound files may cause code references you’ve implemented to break.Assumes you use the standard Assets root directory.CompatibilityNot tested on Mac or Linux, only Windows