A low poly asset pack of Items, Props and Modular Building assets to create a stylized Office themed game.Features:173 Items (130+ unique meshes)Demo scenePrefabs with collidersSome materials setupTexture file 256px x 256pxIncludes:Props - Lots of different props like printers, coffee machines, chairs, tables, post-it etc, Have a look at the screenshots to get a better picture of what is included.Modular building assets - Walls and floors as well as windows. Everything you need to create your own office space.Compatability:Compatibal with unity Build-in and URP.For URP update materials using unitys built in material updater.Edit -> Rendering -> Materials -> Convert selectedTris of all meshes combined is 68,632All models have a low polygon count with a simplified low poly UV-mapping.Works with Built-in and URP pipeline.Convert materials to URP through unity or create new materials.Includes a simple texture file 256px x 256pxIncludes a couple of AI generated images (1024x1024px) used for the paintings which can be easily changed to whatever you want.Tris for each model:Desk_001 - 124Desk_002 - 516Desk_003 - 516Desk_004 - 660Desk_005 - 204Desk_006 - 396Desk_007 - 396Chair_001 - 124Chair_002 - 492ComputerChair_001 - 1228ComputerChair_002 - 1228DeskDivider_001 - 44DeskDivider_002 - 100DeskDivider_003 - 100DeskDivider_004 - 100DeskDivider_005 - 100DeskDivider_006 - 100Bookshelf_001 - 76Bookshelf_002 - 300Bookshelf_003 - 128Bookshelf_004 - 52Bookshelf_005 - 68Bookshelf_006 - 80Bookshelf_007 - 108Bookshelf_008 - 204Bookshelf_009 - 228Book_001 - 68Book_002 - 68Book_003 - 68Book_004 - 68Book_005 - 68Book_006 - 68Book_007 68TrashCan_001 - 140TrashCan_002 - 28TrashCan_003 - 1060TrashCan_004 - 252Whiteboard_001 - 756Whiteboard_002 - 64Laptop_001 - 1008Laptop_002 - 48Calculator_001 - 342Notepad_001 - 28Notepad_002 - 1292Papercup_001 - 380Papercup_002 - 444Pencil_001 - 444Postit_001 - 12Postit_002 - 192Postit_003 - 192Scissor_001 - 528Stapler_001 - 72WhiteboardPen_001 - 444WhiteboardPen_002 - 444WhiteboardPen_003 - 444WhiteboardPen_004 - 444WhiteboardPen_005 - 444WhiteboardPen_006 - 444Binder_001 - 40Binder_002 - 52Briefcase_001 - 112Briefcase_002 - 112Canvas_001 - 12Cardboardbox_001 - 132Cardboardbox_002 - 132Cardboardbox_003 - 132Carpet_001 - 76Carpet_002 - 68Carpet_003 - 252Carpet_004 - 252Carpet_005 - 252Carpet_006 - 252Carpet_007 - 252Carpet_008 - 252CoffeeCup_001 - 672CoffeeCup_002 - 672CoffeeCup_003 - 672CoffeeMachine_001 - 186CoffeeMaker_001 - 1404CoffeeTable_001 - 620Couch_001 - 260CrumpledPaper_001 - 80CrumpledPaper_002 - 80DartBoard_001 - 316DeskLamp_001 - 444DeskLamp_002 - 68DeskLamp_003 - 148DeskLamp_004 - 1400DrinkingFountain_001 - 2484FilingCabinet_001 - 248FireExtinguisher_001 - 812FloorLamp_001 - 1028FloorLamp_002 - 1028FloorLamp_003 - 1028FloorLamp_004 - 1028FloorLamp_005 - 1028FloorLamp_006 - 1028FloorLamp_007 - 1028FloorLamp_008 - 1028Folder_001 - 26Folder_002 - 90FridgeFreezer_001 - 24FridgeFreezer_002 - 48HeadPhones_001 - 2344Microwave_001 - 340NameSign_001 - 12NewtonsCradle_001 - 4396OfficeCabinet_001 - 564Painting_001 - 36Paper_001 - 192Paper_002 - 12PaperContainer_001 - 1708Phone_001 - 540PowerStrip_001 - 2066Printer_001 - 248Printer_002 - 340Router_001 - 464Scanner_001 - 48Scanner_002 - 48SecurityCamera_001 - 688Sign_001 - 508Sign_002 - 524Sign_003 - 524SmartPhone_001 - 124SmartPhone_002 - 248SmokeAlarm_001 - 216SofaChair_001 - 196TableRunner_001 - 84TableRunner_002 - 84TapeDispenser_001 - 544Vase_001 - 764Vase_002 - 252Vase_003 - 284Pc_001 - 348PcKeyboard_001 - 1190PcMonitor_001 - 132PcMonitor_002 - 128PcMonitor_003 - 262PcMouse_001 - 192Tv_001 - 44Floor_001 - 128Floor_002 - 12Floor_003 - 12Floor_004 - 12FloorQuarter_001 - 22FloorQuarter_002 - 12FloorQuarter_003 - 12FloorQuarter_004 - 12Wall_001 - 36Wall_002 - 12Wall_Big_Window_001 - 192Wall_Big_Window_002 - 152Wall_corner_001 - 76Wall_corner_002 - 28Wall_corner_inside_001 - 84Wall_corner_inside_001 - 28Wall_doorway_closed_001 - 511Wall_doorway_closed_002 - 483Wall_doorway_open_001 - 331Wall_doorway_open_002 - 315Wall_small_window_001 - 500Wall_small_window_002 - 498Window_001 - 14KitchenTable_001 - 1276KitchenTable_002 - 248KitchenTable_003 - 208KitchenTable_004 - 268Plant_001 - 1764Plant_002 - 764Plant_003 - 108CubicleWall_001 - 100Created images for paintings which are also included in this pack.