Dungeon Generator crafts 2D grid levels for Rogue-Like games, with adjustable parameters and randomized starting positions and spawn points.Dungeon Generator can be used to generate 2D grid-based levels for Rogue-Like and Rogue-Lite games using room templates. Room size can be configured as well as grid size. Starting position in level can be randomized and player can be placed in this random position. Spawn points can be added to rooms which can be used to randomly place enemies, NPCs, game items and other game objects.Levels can be generated when a scene is loaded, or by using script calls to functions in C#. Dungeon Generator is also compatible with NavMeshPlus asset used for path finding. Rooms can be built using the Tile Palette and can have any shape, as long as they are within the room size, and they have the correct room openings.Included are the scripts for the Grid Object, Rooms, Room types, Room Templates and The Dungeon Generator. Prefabs are included for easy drop in place use. The demo includes a simple Tile map and character movement script. There are two templates avaialble to use in the demo scene.