The Object To Icon Converter is a Unity tool that transforms 3D models into 2D icons, streamlining asset creation for game developers and digital artists.The Object to Icon Converter is an advanced Unity Editor tool designed for game developers and digital artists. It simplifies converting 3D models into 2D icons, offering a range of customizable settings. Whether for game assets, UI elements, or any creative project, this tool provides an efficient solution for capturing the visual essence of 3D objects in 2D form.Automated Setup: Automatically configures cameras and a capture target upon tool initialization.Automated Cleanup Automatically clean up your scene once you have finished capturing your icons.Format Support: Converts objects into PNG or JPG textures.Resolution Customization: Offers a wide range of texture resolutions up to 8192x8192 pixels.Enhanced Clarity: Features anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering settings for superior texture quality.Precise Capturing: Includes auto-centering and orientation adjustments for accurate captures.Unlimited Capture Bounds Capture objects of any size with ease.Visual Guidance: Utilizes gizmos for real-time alignment and area visualization.