2D cowboy with two guns (revolvers).
Animated 3D character rendered into 2D images.
5 animations rendered from 8 angles.
139 spritesheets.
5 animations:
stand and shoot
walk and shoot
Isometric (45deg)
8 directions (each 45deg)
Packed with TexturePacker.
Each animation packed in several ways:
POT (power of two)
All directons into 1 sprite sheet:
FF - full frame number
HF - half frame number
QF - quater frame number
POT (power of two)
1 directon into 1 sprite sheet:
FF - full frame number
HF - half frame number
QF - quater frame number
139 spritesheets in total. All spritesheest are in power of 2. (2048x2048, 2048x1024, 1024x1024, 1024x512, 512x512, 512x256, 2048x256, 2048x512, 1024x256)
Separate frames included