This is a pack of low poly hand painted candles each in red and white variation. We have included 24 prefabs which are perfect for any medieval fantasy RPG third person/top-down environment. We have also included the candle flame animation created using unity particle and one demo scene and one display scene.
- 6 fbx files including 3 individual candles, one triple candles combination, one candle in candle cup, and one candle on a skull
- 24 prefabs including red/white/lit/unlit variation
- Two hand painted texture atlas (512x512px) for white and red candles respectively
-Two hand painted emission maps (256x256px) for white and red candles respectively
- Candle flame sprite sheet in two resolutions (1024x512px and 512x256px)
- Candle flame particle for each lit candle
- Documentation
- A demo scene and a display scene
Tris : 131 to 354
The wooden floor texture used in the video and screenshots is not included in the package. You can visit our profile page for this texture and other related products.
This package was not tested on any mobile device.
If you have any queries, please contact us via email. Please do not forget to like our facebook page