Create a four-way tile map DungeonHello.In this asset, we generate a square tile map tunnel of a certain numerical value as an asset that generates a four-way tile map tunnel.Players start at the end corner of a dungeon created by 1 to 4 players.The player moves one space per turn, and the length of the moved tile opens randomly.In this asset, we create tile maps, place players, and even implement players taking turns moving to tiles.- Create a tile map with the entered valuesTile maps are created in equal proportions in width and length, and special tiles are created in the middle of the maps only when they are created in even numbers.When the tile is opened, check the information on the tiles in four directions around the tile that is opened, and it is selected and opened from the rest of the tiles except for the parts without roads.- Place and move playersPlayers can place up to 1 to 4 players and are placed random at the end corner of the dungeon created by each player.Various Dungeon directional tile/player character images