If you want to make your games be more attractable - you definitely need this asset!The asset makes you capable of decorating your ingame dialogs and texts to be much more attractive and enchance your game visual in just few seconds.You could use 20+ preset animations to make your text looks much cool and of course you can change or create any animations you want. Simply add the component to your TextMeshPro text and you would be able to write a new set of tags in your text to animate it.In the asset you would find multiple scenes with all functions it has and a fully commented code with a clear documentation on how to use the asset!Be cool to watch the video above to see all the functions the asset has!Works only with TextMeshProFeatures:20+ preset animations for loop text and for the typewriterCombine any animations with no FPS dropsSkip mechanic for the typewriterPause/Resume typewriter at any positionCall custom methods at any position in the typewriterWait for any time at any position in the typewriterCombinate tags animations with the typewriter with easeCall method when every character appearsEasy to customize and create your own animationsExample scenes to show all animations and all possible mechanicsOne click setupFully commented codeClear documentationWorks with any TextMeshPro fontVery oprimized code causes no lags even with a lot of animations and the long textWorks on every platformSimple codeRequirements:TextMeshPro text