Customizable car control mechanics is a system that provides drivers with a smooth driving and turning sensation while also allowing them to customize vehicle control.SMOOTH CAR CONTROLLERContents• Folder Structure• Demo Scene• ScriptsFolder StructureIn “SmoothCarController” file, you will see; ARCADE – FREE Racing Car, Demo Scene, Docs, Joystick Pack, Materials, PhysicsMaterial, Prefabs, Scripts and Textures folders.Demo SceneDemo Scene contains a ready scene. You can examine the scene and apply to your scene. You can see how we did setup car and joystick controller.PrefabsPrefabs folder contains Car and Boost Button. You can use this three to make your own car controller.TexturesYou can see what textures we used for the demo scene.ScriptsIn the Scripts folder, you can see what scripts we created to make car movement and the camera.In DemoScene, in the hierarchy, you can see required objects to make car movement. First, you need a JOYSTICK and BOOST BUTTON. Those are already in the prefabs folder. Also you can see the car prefab. Everything you need is in the project folder. We suggest you to look at Docs.