Everything Localization is Your all-in-one solution for game localization. Supports ALL languages, and ALL components. Localize Texts, Audios, LayoutGroups, Images, and Transforms Quickly & Easily.Are you frustrated by the complexity of the other Localization assets?Do you want to localize Everything in your game effortlessly?Do you seek to add any new languages with ease?Do you want full support for RTL languages like Arabic and Farsi?Are you looking to customize text with any color Outline with ease?Do you need texts containing placeholders to fill at runtime?Do you need to localize your Audios and Character Dialogues in a single line of code?Then, you're in the right place!EverythingLocalization offers a complete package tailored to simplify the localization process for your game development projects. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, our asset ensures that language localization is a breeze.With its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, it's easy to understand and use, saving you valuable time and effort. You just have to add the proper Localize Component to your gameObjects and we'll do the rest for you.🌎 LOCALIZE✔️ Text: Whether it's TextMeshPro or TextMeshProUGUI, or if you need support for right-to-left languages, our asset has you covered with RTLTextMeshPro and RTLTextMeshPro3D. Plus, you have the flexibility to customize your text with any color Outline, handle multiline texts, texts with Placeholders (replacable at runtime), and even localize Numbers seamlessly.✔️ Audio: But localization doesn't stop at text - our asset extends its support to AudioClips, allowing you to easily localize all of your Sound and Audios with just a single line of code and let you globalize Storytelling and dialouges. Make your game Global and target the Entire World with No Change in your code. Just add a single line to get your desired LocalizedAudio and play it.✔️ Image: Additionally, it caters to all types of Image components, from Image and RawImage to SpriteRenderer, ensuring that your visuals are localized as well. This is Essential for images with text or effortless Cultural Adaptation in your target countries.✔️ LayoutGroup: With support for all types of LayoutGroup components - Horizontal, Vertical, and Grid - you can maintain consistent layouts across languages effortlessly and have RTL-Optimized Interface in Just One Click.✔️ Position: Plus, localization for the Position of both 2D and 3D game objects adds another layer of flexibility to your localization efforts.📦 KEY FEATURESSupports All platforms and devices.Supports All Languages including andy Right-to-Left language.Real-time language switching at runtime with a single click.Easy to Understand and UseClean code Crafted entirely in C#Easily Add, Remove, and Edit the settings of Languages and Outlines, with changes being applied Instantly and the gameObjects being updated Automatically.⭐ WHY CHOOSE EVERYTHING LOCALIZATIONThis asset was developed alongside the localization of a published game, ensuring it meets all your localization needs, particularly for texts by supporting any language, outline, and editting at runtime. It covers every aspect of the localization process, making sure no detail is overlooked.One of the standout qualities of any package is its simplicity. Everything Localization is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. You can localize your game components effortlessly by only adding a component to your game object, and the rest of your workflow remains unchanged. This seamless integration means you don’t have to alter your existing processes significantly.📄 DOCUMENTATIONEverything Localization comes with comprehensive documentation and examples, allowing you to immediately start localizing your game! Additionally, if you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to me for assistance.📧 CONTACTIf you have any questions or need further information before purchasing the asset, please feel free to contact me via email.Contact: smahdifaghih2001@gmail.comForum: Click here🤝 Third-PartyAsset uses RTLTMPro under MIT License, Roboto and Droid Arabic Naskh Regular fonts under Apache 2.0 License, and uses sample images and Audios created by AI; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Complete localization solution for your gameEasy to Understand and UseClean code Crafted entirely in C#LightweightSupports ALL platformsReal-time language switch in one clickComprehensive Documentation and detailed ExamplesSupports ALL Languages. Just import your desired FontAsset and translate your texts. We'll handle the rest.ALL types of Text components for both LTR and RTL languages, and both 2D and 3D games.TextMeshPro & TextMeshProUGUIRTLTextMeshPro & RTLTextMeshPro3D if you want to support languages like Arabic and FarsiAdd ANY color as the Outline for your textsText Localization based on Key-Values, and CSV fileUser-Friendly interface to Add, Edit, Search, Delete, and Select Localized textsSet desired Key via inspector for Static textsSet desired Key via code for Dynamic textsHave Placeholders within text and fill at runtimeNumbersMultiline textsSupports easily localizing your AudioClips and Dialouges.Add your LocalizedAudios and use a single line.Supports ALL types of Image components.Image, RawImage, and SpriteRenderer.Supports ALL types of LayoutGroup componentsHorizontal, Vertical, and Grid LayoutGroups.Supports localization for Position of both 2D and 3D gameobject.AI was used to create sample Images and Audios as Examples in the package.