Collection 56 - Man in Military Outfits - RiggedCharacters Separately:Man in Military Winter Outfit - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/man-in-military-winter-outfit-rigged-275344Man in Military Outfit 5 - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/man-in-military-outfit-5-rigged-274243Man in Military Outfit 4 - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/man-in-military-outfit-4-rigged-277983Man in Military Equipment - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/man-in-military-equipment-rigged-278443Important!1. There is a scene in the project configured for a built-in render pipeline by default. If you intend to use our assets in other render pipelines, then you should use the materials configured for them from the corresponding subfolders in Material folder (URP, HDRP) or you can use our script for quick change the materials of our assets.2. There two C# in project:- CharacterSetup.cs - perform selecting animation from inspector.- NicePictures.cs - creates additional menu-item in top menu-bar with three nested options to change materials for selected objects in scene.- PBR Materials (BaseColor, Roughness, Metallic, Normal)- All objects, textures and materials have their own names- Model is built to real-world scale- Units used: cm- Doesn't have Default names- Doesn't have NGons- Doesn't have Overlapping Vertices- Doesn't have Overlapping Faces- Doesn't have Overlapping UV Faces- Doesn't have Missing texturesSoldier- Rigged:(Yes)- Rigged: to Humanoid:(Yes)- Morph-targets: (52 ARKit facial Blendshapes)- Animated:(Yes)- Cloth Simulation (no)- Number of Animations:(9)- Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place- Number of meshes/prefabs: 12 / 13- UV mapping: Yes- Number of scripts: 2Geometry:ManVertices : 84,927Triangles: 124,648Poligons : 62,325OutfitVertices : 76,889Triangles: 150,686Poligons : 79,185Number of PBR Materials: 23 (built-in) + 23 (URP) + 23 (HDRP)Number of Textures: 66Man in Milirary Winter Outfit - Rigged:(Yes)- Rigged: to Humanoid:(Yes)- Morph-targets: (52 ARKit facial Blendshapes)- Animated:(Yes)- Cloth Simulation (no)- Number of Animations:(9)- Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place- Number of meshes/prefabs: 12 / 13- UV mapping: Yes- Number of scripts: 2Geometry:ManVertices : 84,888Triangles: 124,648Poligons : 62,325OutfitVertices : 227,271Triangles: 450,079Poligons : 227,168Number of PBR Materials: 11 (built-in) + 11 (URP) + 11 (HDRP)Number of Textures: 22Man in Milirary Outfit 5- Rigged:(Yes)- Rigged: to Humanoid:(Yes)- Morph-targets: (52 ARKit facial Blendshapes)- Animated:(Yes)- Cloth Simulation (no)- Number of Animations:(9)- Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place- Number of meshes/prefabs: 11 / 12- UV mapping: Yes- Number of scripts: 2Geometry Man OutfitVerts: 85,477 53,647Tris: 126,440 103,487Polys: 63,221 52,957Number of PBR Materials: 10(built-in) + 10 (URP) + 10 (HDRP)Number of Textures: 22Man in Millitary Outfit 4- Rigged:(Yes)- Rigged: to Humanoid:(Yes)- Morph-targets: (52 ARKit facial Blendshapes)- Animated:(Yes)- Cloth Simulation (no)- Number of Animations:(9)- Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In-place- Number of meshes/prefabs: 17 / 18- UV mapping: Yes- Number of scripts: 2Geometry:ManVertices : 85,085Triangles: 124,648Poligons : 62,325OutfitVertices : 104,784Triangles: 206,464Poligons : 109,079Number of PBR Materials: 10 (built-in) + 10 (URP) + 10 (HDRP)Number of Textures: 18Textures Resolutions:- 1024x1024 (Eyeball textures)- 8192x8192 (other)Supported Development Platforms:-Windows:(Yes)-Mac:(Yes)