Knight pack - Animated 2D Pixel Characters
SmallScale Interactive
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3 fully animated pixel sprite Knight characters: "Knight", "Paladin" and "Dark Knight". Two directional animations with over 45 unique actions per character, over 320 animation clips in total!All animations have unique left and right animations and 15 slides each. Each character have all of the below animations:IdleIdle 2WalkRunCrawl180 turnJumpJump midDouble jump (spin)Dashing (Back/Forward)AirDash (Up,Down, Back, Forward)AirDashAttackQuick jump idleQuick jump runfallLanding into idleLanding into runLadder climbLedge climbRollingFront flipSitting downWall hangWall jumpWall slideCrouching IdleCrouch walkSliding startSliding midSliding endDieTake DamageMelee attack 1Melee attack 2Spin attackKickPummelCast spellMelee attack runMelee attack crouchAirSlamAirSlam landShield block startShield block midCrouch shield blockSpecial Ability (Point)Special Ability 2 (Power Sword)Sheath swordUnsheath swordMore animations coming soon...Example scene included.A couple of spell animations are included.Unique Portrait sprites for each character included.Simple background image included.Disclaimer: the example scene does not contain all animations.Animation count: 324Individual sprites: YesSprite sheets: NoSprite dimensions: 128 x 128nr of sprites per animation: 15