Single-player card game material package, including characters and animations, scenes, and complete UI resources. It can be used to develop CCG-type independent games.All animations were made by Spine. If you want to use URP, you need to download URP Shaders UPM package from Spine website.Materials and expansion packs used in M STUDIO game development tutorial "Kingdom of Dreams": Course link|Bilibili|YouTube|Playable Demo|All material content has been classified by folderBase Assets: Contains the basic materials for the tutorial contentBackground: Scene background (10)Card: Card Prefab imagesIntents: Enemy intent icons (9)Map Icons: Icons used on the map (20)UI Element: All game UICharacters PSD: PSD source files for game characters (10)Provide Spine animation contentattackskillstandhurtdeadspecial animationThe project provides Spine animation resources, which need to be downloaded and installed in advance to use the Spine SDK. For specific methods, please see the Document documentation in the material.Extra Assets: Game asset expansion packBackgrounds: New battle scene backgrounds (64)Skill icons: New skill icons (115)The project provides two demonstration scenarios:Assets Demo basically demonstrates the placement and UI layout of the actual battle sceneIntro Pre-made title Timeline demonstrationSpine Animation Characters/Buff effectsCartoon intro timeline