Fireworks Effect Package - Created in 3DFireworks effects are supported by both URP and HDRP.This package contains:- Highly Customizable for VFX (Change gradient, number of spawn particles, size, texture, etc in VFX panels)- 15 sets of different types of VFX graphs for 3D fireworks- 15 sets of Prefabs- 4 nos. of Point Cache (including 3D mesh) for 3D fireworks- 8 nos. of Textures for 3D fireworks- 1 Sample ScenesOriginally made in URP, also works in HDRP.All effects work on all platforms! These VFX effects are very simple to use. Just drop those prefab VFX effects into your game!This fireworks effect package is created by Visual Effect Graph (VFX). Installation of Visual Effect Graph (VFX) from the Package Manager is required.-Easy to use-Useful in making games.-Work in both 2D & 3D