Add useful features to Unity Editor.Unity plugin developed over time to add functions to the Unity editor and optimize the development workflow.For detailed information,https://www.tapp-studio.com/unity-plugins/tapp-editor-enhancer-C# ATTRIBUTES FOR DRAW GIZMO IN SCENE : Custom attributes to draw variables in the scene view.Refer to the Documentation for instructions.-C# ATTRIBUTES FOR FOLDOUT VARIABLES : Simplify your inspector interface by organizing variables with a custom attribute.-ENHANCED SCENE VIEW OBJECT SELECTION : Improve your efficiency with a more powerful object selection in the scene.It simplifies selecting what you need when you have multiple overlapping objects.-COMPONENT ICONS IN HIERARCHY TREE : Make the hierarchy tree more informative by adding custom icons for object components.Quickly identify key elements within your project hierarchy.-CUSTOMIZABLE TOOLBAR :Personalize your development experience with a flexible and customizable toolbar, allowing quick access to your most frequently used actions directly from the editor.For detailed information, please refer to the documentation.https://sites.google.com/view/tappstudio/unity-plugins/tapp-editor-enhancer/documentation?authuser=0