Need to use Firebase on your WebGL project? You came to the right place!This plugin allows you to use the firebase modular api on webgl builds. You can use the following modules.AnalyticsAppApp-checkAuthDatabaseFirestoreFirestore/liteFunctionsInstallationsMessagingPerformanceRemote-configStorageThe method calls and usage follow the official api as much as possible, so you can follow the official docs and tutorials for the firebase modular api with ease.There are several examples included and most of the api was implemented. I'd say close to 100%. You can find more info in the Technical details section.If you enjoy this plugin, please consider leaving a review. It helps me immensely and encourages me to improve the plugin further, and other people to support my work :).LIMITATIONSIt does not work in the editor, only in the actual build. However, because the plugin follows the official API, you can easily do local testing with an index.html file and apply it to your Unity project. More details in the docs.You can check below an overview of the features that were implemented. I do not implement obsolete, deprecated, or otherwise API that is not recommended to use, or type aliases (not losing functionality).This plugin supports using the emulator when available.ANALYTICSEverything was implemented, except CustomParams.HIGHLIGHTSSupports logging events (default and custom ones).Supports setting user properties.Supports measuring screenviews.Supports setting a user ID.Supports measuring ecommerce.APPEverything was implemented.APP-CHECKEverything was implemented.HIGHLIGHTSSupports using reCAPTCHA Enterprise.Supports using reCAPTCHA V3.Supports using a custom provider.AUTHEverything was implemented, except: getReactNativePersistence, ReactNativeAsyncStorage, cordovaPopupRedirectResolver, MultiFactorError (you don't lose functionality though, AuthError suffices as operationType can be accessed from customData).HIGHLIGHTSSupports the signInWithPopup and signInWithRedirect family of functions.Supports password authentication and email link.Supports Google, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Github, Microsoft, Yahoo, OpenID Connect, SAML, Custom Auth.Supports Phone Auth.Supports Anonymous Auth.Supports SMS Multi-factor Auth and TOTP Multi-factor Auth.Supports Account Linking.Supports using the emulator.DATABASEEverything was implemented, except ThenableReference (you don't lose functionality though, as the push method was modified to compensate).HIGHLIGHTSSupports using custom classes and dictionaries to write to and read from RTDB.Supports read and write data.Supports working with lists of data.Supports enabling offline capabilities.Supports using the emulator.FIRESTOREEverything was implemented, except: PartialWithFieldValue and all partial functions; FirestoreDataConverter (not losing functionality, see below).HIGHLIGHTSYou can use custom classes and dictionaries to write to and read from Firestore.Supports all data types. In addition, it also has built-in support for DateTime and DatimeTimeOffset.Supports adding data.Supports transactions and batched writes.Supports FieldValue such as serverTimestamp.Supports deleting data.Supports getting data.Supports getting real-time updates.Supports performing simple and compound queries.Supports ordering and limiting data.Supports aggregation queries.Supports data pagination with query cursors.Supports accessing data offline.Supports using the emulator.FUNCTIONSEverything was implemented.HIGHLIGHTSSupports httpsCallable.Supports httpsCallableFromURL.Supports using the emulator.INSTALLATIONSEverything was implemented.MESSAGINGEverything was implemented.HIGHLIGHTSSupports deleting a token.Supports getting a token.Supports onMessage.Supports receiving messages.PERFORMANCEEverything was implemented.HIGHLIGHTSSupports getting a trace.Supports all trace methods.REMOTE-CONFIGEverything was implemented.HIGHLIGHTSSupports setting a minimum fetch interval.Supports setting in-app default parameter valuesSupports getting parameter values.Supports setting parameter values.Supports fetching and activating values.STORAGEEverything was implemented, except: getBlob and getStream.HIGHLIGHTSSupports creating a reference.Supports uploading from a byte array.Supports uploading from a string.Supports managing uploads.Supports monitoring upload progressSupports using file metadata.Supports downloading data directly from the SDK (getBytes).Supports getting the download URL and then using something like UnityWebRequest to get the data.Supports using the emulator.