Synced streamlines language management, facilitating easy integration for developers and enhancing the localization on any type of project.The tool has been developed and tested using the built-in render pipeline. However, since the package is not related with graphics, it should perform well regardless of the pipeline you are using.Say goodbye to the language management headache! With Synced, you can bid farewell to the days of struggling with complex language configurations. Synced is packed with user-friendly tools and components, transforming the once cumbersome process into a smooth, enjoyable experience. 🚀FeaturesVersatile: Enjoy flexibility by using translation keys to reference various sources, with a primary focus on texts and audio. Adapt Synced to different content types within your project.Intuitive: Effortlessly handle multiple languages through a user-friendly dedicated editor window.Smart Language Selection: Synced intelligently selects the most suitable language based on the system's preferences during the user's first app launch, ensuring a personalized experience.Cutting-Edge Compatibility: Seamlessly integrate with the latest Unity technologies. Synced supports Addressables and TMPro packages for optimal performance.Autosave Functionality: Synced automatically preserves the user's chosen language between sessions, enhancing continuity and user convenience.Here you can read the full documentation.