Energy Shield & Force Field Effect v2 with Hit FX and Activation Animation
FX Valley
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Complete Energetic Shield and Force Field effect with hits response, activation animation and high quality postprocess ready to use in your game.| DOCUMANTATION | DEMOS | SUPPORT | DISCORD | FORUMS | TWITTER |Version 2 rewritten, improved and optimized now with all render pipelines support and much more features!Fully customizable - by tweaking colors, textures and many parameters. Great for scifi, fantasy or casual shield effects.What can you make with this asset:- force field around player or any other unit- barrier around city- scifi shield of any shape (texture baking tool included)- energetic gate or door- invisible cloak around spaceship that makes response on hit- spell effects around playerScalable shader with feature selection.Custom postprocess effect for AAA quality.- works with BuiltIn/URP/HDRP- fully customizable shader with over 50 parameters to tweak- feature off/on for performance/quality- support for any mesh shape- skinned mesh renderer support- rim texture baker for custom shapes- unlimited hit effects with customizable parameters- activation/deactivation animation- perspective and orthographic camera- draw call batching- distortion and refraction- custom postprocess effect- Global Illumination postprocess effect- scripting for integration in game- over 100 high quality texture patterns and noises- more than 20 hit shape textures- 40 sample prefabs and materials- VR support for URP- Unity 6 support- Support for multiple renderers in hierarchyPlanned features:- Mesh distortion and vertex animation- Continuous hits like laser beamsTested with Unity 2021.3.31f1, 2022.3.5f1, 2023.1.20f1, 2023.2.3f1, 6000.0.22f1