Get attractive 3D models in the style of subculture anime for your Shooter and RPG games, plus 70+ professional animations designed to suit characters and weapons!!!These animations can be used in any style of art.It can be easily shared with all animations made up of humanoid rigs.Get professional animation supports from Biperworks.website : www.biperwork.comemail : clazyfox64@gmail.com**Animation Types**FreeHands(8)- Idle, Jump, Jump Fall, Run, Sprint, Walk, Take/Put GunHolding with weapon(24)- Idle, Jump, Hit, Kick, Swing, Die, Stun, Spawn, Crouch ...Aiming with weapon(34)- TurnInplace, CrouchTurnIp, Roll, Shoot, StrafeWalk...Emotions(7)- Angry, Disappointment, Greeting, Sad, Shy, Smile, SurpriseUse shader - UTS2(Unity-Chan Toon Shader Ver2)Requirements - Produced in 2021.3.7f1Rig - HumanoidBlendShape - Facial 64Mesh- Face 1- Body 1- Hair 3- Costume 2- Weapon 1Poly count- All : 28731 Poly- Character Body & Head : 6944 Poly- Costume01 : 7838 Poly (Blouse, Skirt, Boots, Acc)- Costume02 : 4084 Poly (Blouse, Skirt, Boots)- Hair01 : 3076 Poly- Hair02 : 2540 Poly- Hair03 : 1817 Poly- Weapon : 2432 PolyTexture (2048)- Face 1- Body 1- Hair 3- Costume 2- Weapon 1Color variation Texture (2048)- Hair 4- Costume 4