Neural Gaussian Render SDK is an Assets Plugin for viewing scene or object reconstructed by Gaussian Splatting Algorithm within Unity.Windows10 URP supportWork With Unity Free & ProSystem &Hardware RequirementsBuild Win Standalone: Windows10 or laterOS: MS Windows computerMin GPU: CUDA-ready GPU with Compute Capability 7.0+ (Geforce >RTX 2060)Recommended GPU: GeForce > RTX 4070NeuralGaussianRenderSDK is an Assets Plugin for viewing scene or object reconstructed by Gaussian Splatting Algorithm within Unity.You can see the reconstructed three-dimensional space scene in Unity in real-time.this plugin.Provide a simple scene and two trained model files, allowing you to quickly experienceSimple and common scene browsing functions (e.g. W, A, S, D)Features:Import training results of the official implementation of 3D Gaussian SplattingRender the results in UnityCode Modules:3DGaussians (Runtime)License:NeuralGaussianRenderSDK for Unity is governed by the Asset Store EULA; however, the following components are governed by the licenses indicated below:Asset uses [lenovogaussiansplatting] under [3-clause BSD License];