Effortlessly Enhance Terrains! Discover the power of easy-to-use tools for backup, resize, scan and print heightmap, export, generate, spawn and swap object or tree instances, merge, stitch and split.Hey Terrain Toolbox is a useful and handy package for Unity that offers many features for working with Terrain objects. (Demo)You can use this package to:Backup or restore the properties of a Terrain with the Backupper tool.Change Terrain Heightmap Resolution or Height without Resizing Terrain with the Resizer tool.Create a heightmap of a Terrain or other objects in the scene with the Scanner tool.Apply an heightmap to part or all of a Terrain with the Printer tool.Export a Terrain as an obj file with the Mesher tool.Generate a heightmap of a Terrain using noise algorithms with the Generator tool.Spawn random objects or swap hundreds of objects in the scene or on the Terrain Tree Instances with the Object Spawner and Object Swapper tools. (New: Export Trees)Merge, stitch or split a Terrain with the Merger and Splitter tools.Please Note: To view the demo content, you can download it as a package from GitHub and import it directly into your project: Download DemoWiki Page & Documentation ✪Easy and intuitive user interface that allows you to adjust various settings and options for each tool.Compatible with Unity 2020.1 or higher versions.Backupper Tool: Easily back up and restore Terrain properties.Resizer Tool: Adjust Terrain Heightmap Resolution or Height without resizing.Scanner Tool: Create heightmaps from scene objects or part of Terrains.Supports multiple mapping modes in scanner, such as bottom-up, top-down, etc.Printer Tool: Apply heightmaps to Terrain sections or entire Terrains.Supports multiple formats, such as png, jpg, etc.Mesher Tool: Export Terrains as OBJ files for external use.Generator Tool: Generate Terrain heightmaps using noise algorithms.Object Spawner: Spawn objects or tree instances on part of Terrains.Supports multiple height position methods in spawner tool, such as in-gizmo, on-gizmo, on-colliders, out-colliders, etc.Object Swapper Tools: Swap objects or tree instances on part of Terrains. (New: Export trees as prefabs with the Tree Exporter)Merger & Splitter Tools: Merge, stitch, or split Terrains for comprehensive editing.